“Elden Ring-spillerne må forbedre seg for å utforske Skyggen av Erdtreet neste uke”

  • Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree will be released next week on June 21st
  • Players need to defeat a difficult boss, Mohg, Lord of Blood, to access the DLC before the launch
  • Mohg is considered one of the toughest opponents in the game
  • Based on player statistics on PC and PlayStation, many have not yet beaten him
  • Currently, only 37.8% of Steam players and 34.7% of PlayStation players have managed to defeat Mohg
  • Xbox players have a higher success rate, with over 51.57% of players beating Mohg
  • To play Shadow of the Erdtree, players must defeat Mohg to avoid wasting money on DLC
  • Mohg can be challenging with his flying attacks and Nihil moves, but he is a necessary opponent to overcome

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