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Hva skal skatteparadisene leve av?

Langs kysten av Bermuda ligger pastellfargede hus tett i tett. Øygruppen er kjent som et skatteparadis, men det er forsikringsbransjen som dominerer.

NYHETSANALYSE: 32 land i verden er mindre enn Akershus fylke. Har de noe alternativ til å ende opp som skatteparadiser?

Langs kysten av Bermuda ligger pastellfargede hus tett i tett. Øygruppen er kjent som et skatteparadis, men det er forsikringsbransjen som dominerer. Foto: Andrew F. Kazmierski / Shutterstock

Publisert: 30.03.2024

  • 32 countries are smaller than Akershus county, facing challenges in finding alternative sources of income.
  • Nations like Bermuda, Isle of Man, and Malta specialize in industries like insurance, finance, and online gambling due to limited resources.
  • They adapt laws quickly to attract businesses with lower tax rates but face criticism for facilitating tax avoidance and lack of transparency.
  • Global push for a minimum tax rate aims to address this, but debate continues on the moral responsibility of these small nations.
  • In Norway, discussions focus on post-oil alternatives like offshore wind, fisheries, and tourism.
  • Small nations rely heavily on finding income sources due to limited resources for education and healthcare.
  • I visited Malta, Bermuda, and Isle of Man earlier this year, exploring their economic roles and how they determine their industries.
  • These nations have faced scrutiny for facilitating tax evasion, leading to the label of tax havens.
  • Bermuda, for example, is a major hub for the global insurance industry, benefiting from low tax rates and stable regulations.
  • They’re exploring diversification into areas like fintech, wealth management, and climate-related insurance to expand their economy.
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