Norske kroner skremmer – Norge skuffer Danmark

Krona skremmer - Norge svikter Danmark
  • Due to the currency exchange rate between the Norwegian and Danish kroner, Norwegian tourists are now less inclined to book summer vacations in Denmark.
  • Statistics from Denmark reveal a significant decrease in Norwegian bookings for Danish summer homes, with a 40% decline from the previous year.
  • Market trends show a decrease in Norwegian interest in Denmark since 2017, with a slight increase in 2022 following the financial impact of the pandemic.
  • Despite the decline in bookings, there is still an increase in the amount spent on vacations by Norwegian tourists.
  • Many Norwegians prioritize quality when booking summer homes in Denmark, leading to late bookings and limited availability of preferred accommodations.
  • The current trend shows that many Norwegians have not yet booked their summer vacations, leaving the opportunity for Denmark to become a popular destination for those still planning their trips.

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