“Ofre for politiske maktspill: Pasienters helse debatteres”

Debatt, Helse | Pasientene ofres i et taktisk politisk maktspill

Helse Nord’s decision to have two small hospitals on Helgeland will weaken medical and technological development for generations to come. The consequences are being left to directors and board members who won’t be held accountable. This shift is a loss for the region, with long and costly travel for medical treatment. Placing a main hospital in Rana will provide quicker access for 8 out of 10 residents. Incorrect placement will lead to environmental and societal costs, as well as longer hospital stays elsewhere. The distance to medical expertise will make fulfilling research and education tasks difficult. Political power plays have led to decisions detrimental to Helgeland. A national medical emergency preparedness organization is needed to prevent political interference. A central acute hospital in Leirfjord would better serve the region’s needs than two smaller hospitals. Ensuring the best healthcare for residents and users means having a single, properly located major hospital.toPromise.

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