Hjem Helse PCI i Bodø: Pasientenes beste alternativ
- Debate about PCI centers has resurfaced recently, with differing opinions on what is best for patients.
- Expert group from Helse Nord recommends continuing with the PCI center, but this point has been lost in the public debate.
- Ordfører in Tromsø, Gunnar Wilhelmsen, expressed concerns about a coordinated northern group trying to derail the PCI debate.
- It is important to listen to various expert perspectives, not just one side.
- The author believes there should at least be a day offer for PCI in Bodø, in line with expert group recommendations.
- Concerns about centralizing the PCI center in Tromsø when other countries have decentralized options closer to patients are raised.
- Ambulance flights are costly, and a strong medical environment in Bodø could reduce the need for them and lower costs for Helse Nord.
- The author trusts that Helse Nord board will listen to experts and decide to continue the PCI offer at Nordlandssykehuset.
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