Seksuell helse blant eldre: En studie fra Den norske legeforening
Doctors should have a low threshold for initiating conversations about sexual health during health check-ups for cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and other related issues.
It is important to approach these conversations with an open attitude that invites discussion on sensitive topics and allow enough time for the patient to express their concerns.
Using language that the patient understands and is comfortable with is crucial.
Lifestyle interventions such as dietary changes, increased physical activity, and reduced alcohol and nicotine consumption can be beneficial.
Medication review may result in fewer drugs or alternatives with fewer side effects.
For women, pelvic floor exercises, local estrogen treatments, or counseling on lubricants can be helpful.
Medications like mirabegron for urge incontinence and phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors for erectile dysfunction may improve sexual problems.
Sex therapy may be beneficial for some patients and can be accessed privately.
Sexually related aids can be prescribed by authorized doctors and are covered by Nav for patients with significant sexual dysfunction.
Other interventions for sexual dysfunction in older individuals include physiotherapy, trying different sexual positions, psychotherapy, and the use of sexual aids.