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“Vannflasker og annen væske tillatt gjennom sikkerhetskontrollen på flere steder nå”

Flyplasser flere steder i Storbritannia tar i bruk ny teknologi som gjør at passasjerer kan ta med seg vannflaskene gjennom sikkerhetskontrollen.

Several major airports in Europe are now using 3D scanners to allow passengers to carry larger amounts of liquids through security without being stopped. This technology is being rolled out at airports in the UK, including Birmingham, Gatwick, and Heathrow. Passengers can now bring 2-3 liters of liquid without issue. The new scanners can differentiate harmless liquids from explosives, reducing stress and wait times for travelers. This technology is already in use in the US and Finland, with plans for implementation at more European airports by 2025. The old 100ml liquid rule was introduced in 2006 after a terrorist plot in London. As a result, the new technology is expected to improve security while making the travel experience more efficient for passengers.

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